英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:49:45

get the jump on

英 [ɡet ðə dʒʌmp ɔn]

美 [ɡɛt ði dʒʌmp ɑn]

抢在 ... 前面行动; 较 ... 占优势
  • 网络解释

1. 抢在...之前行动:sathrophilous 喜腐物的 | get the jump on 抢在...之前行动 | opener shank 开沟器体

2. get the jump on在线翻译

2. 抢在:get the hook 被解雇 | get the jump on 抢在 | get the key of the street 无家可归

3. 抢先...;比...先下手 较某人先做某事:39. Get a line on 得到对...有用的情报 | 40. Get the jump on抢先...;比...先下手 较某人先做某事 | 41. Sitting pretty 处境可羡

4. 对...占优先地位, 抢在...之前行动:from the jump [口]从一开始 | get the jump on 对...占优先地位, 抢在...之前行动 | have the jump on 对...占优先地位, 抢在...之前行动

OK, get on the elevator. Jump!(好的,跳上升降机,跳啊!)
Now that these dog tags are highly customized for your own play style, it helps make things that much more personal, so the only way to gain one is to get the jump on your opponent.(现在这些狗牌是高度定制你自己的打法,它有助于使事情更加个性化,所以只有这样,才能获得一个是得到你的对手的跳。)
I like to come into the office at least an hour early, usually by seven, to get a jump start on my work.(我一般提前一个小时即七点上班,喜欢比别人提前进入工作状态。)
When we are through, I will shut off steam and put on brakes as hard as I can, and the moment it's safe to do so you must jump and hide in the wood, before they get through the tunnel and see you.(一过隧道,我就关汽,来个急刹车。等车速慢到可以安全跳车时,你就跳下去,在他们钻出隧道、看到你以前,跑进树林里藏起来。)
In dealing with the many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for what they are: small hurdles you need to jump or get through on your way through life.(在处理友谊带给你的许多挑战时,要努力看清它们的实质——它们是你在生活中需要跳过和克服的一个个小难题。)
While there are several reasons I am here for a few weeks, one of the big reasons is to help a relative get a jump on cleaning out her house.(因为某些原因,在那里我得待上几个星期,最大的原因之一就是帮一个亲戚搬家,清理她的房子。)
Jump on your board, get in the water and jump off ramps to perform awesome tricks.(在您的船上跳转,获得水,跳下斜坡执行真棒的把戏。)
You know the feeling that you get, when you stand on a high place, suddenly has to a jump?(你知道你站在高处突然往下跳的感觉吗?)
If you really like to get right into your groove when you start running, warm up before you head out from your run or jump on the treadmill.(要是你真的喜欢一开始跑就进入节奏的话,在跑步或上跑步机前先热热身吧。)
Jump on in, tell your story and see how it connects with someone on the other side of the world. Here are some resources to get started.(快点上车吧,讲讲你的新闻题材,瞧瞧它与世界另一侧的人是如何联系的吧。)
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